documentation by @jlopez775

UHR 001: "Hung Up On Ritual" Cassette // Rotary Club

Just when you thought our sordid analog past could only come back to haunt us in the form of revivals, reunions,
reissues and other grotesque distortions, you get an unexpected call on a bone-colored phone you can only take as far as the
next room. No screen can allay your anxiety about who waits on the other line - after a quick gulp you mutter into the
hissing silence: Hello? It's Rotary Club, of course, to snatch you from the zombie calm of the WiFi world with a tape-full
of loud reminders that nothing is as it once was. 'Hung Up On Ritual' - 8 new messages you are nervous to play,
as each carries the wild energy of the uncertain past along with the risk that you can never again return to the
touch-screen boredom of our disconnected age.

Tracked, mixed and mastered by Tim Green at Louder Studios.
Artwork by Jawsh Hageman.
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Or just put your ear real close and listen below.
